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What if we just need to face the other way?

Nov 20, 2023

Once you see the inside out nature of life, it's natural to become more tolerant and understanding, because we can only ever see the world through our own lens, or point of perspective, and so can everyone else.

That still references an outward view, but from the inside out. This is helpful in that we understand that our thoughts create our reality, rather than outside circumstances doing so.

I think there's another 'level' though that's helpful to see that's more empowering or releasing.

Feelings guide

If we understand that our feelings guide us in the moment about our state of mind, we can use them as a friendly signal.

If we feel off or tense, it can be seen as a sign that we're believing a thought that is more of a low mood state. With awareness of this, we can pause and take our mood less seriously and wait for things to change, as they inevitably do.

Turn around

Beyond pausing however, what if any bad feeling can be seen further as a wake up signal from our true self, that we are not aligned with our truth?

For example, if we feel we shouldn't speak up, or create something new, the discomfort felt can often be associated with fear of being visible and potentially criticised. What if, however, the discomfort is saying quite the opposite? What if it's waking us up to our truth, ie that we should speak up and create because that is what we're here to do and our true self knows that? It's a subtle distinction but could uncover another misunderstanding!

Our truth

With a clear and undistracted mind, when we're aligned and centred (or in flow), it is our nature to connect and create. It's only when thought comes in and adds a story that questions this, that we limit or stop ourselves. If our true nature is infinite intelligence, it will feel this constriction and try to wake us back up to our truth.


If we consider that this might be true, all we need to do is turn inwards to our true nature and look behind the story or overthinking to what feels most true - maybe it's our first thought or inclination, before we start to limit ourselves.

Maybe it's worth playing with to see if it feels more expansive?

"Our true nature is like a precious jewel; although it may be temporarily buried in mud, it remains completely brilliant and unaffected. We simply have to uncover it."

Pema Chodron

With my love,

Suzie x

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